In the Jewish mindset, each Sunset is a time to start over.

The new day always started at sunset. So when we say, "This is the day the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it "(Psalm 118:4) we need to know the day we are thanking God for actually started at sunset.   It is a time we are transitioning to a time of Shabott - Shalom - rest and peace.

This is why we are not to let the sun set on anger and have unforgiveness toward others... If we lay our heads down and night to sleep with unforgiveness and acts of malice running though our minds it is difficult to rest because we are not at peace with others or God.

Resentment and malice always continues to grow deeper in us and takes root and becomes difficult to uproot as each day passes.

Unforgiveness becomes an uncontrollable and untamable weed contaminating the human soul.  We end up hating others who were created in God's image.

If we are to be God's people, it is our goal to be like Jesus. To be like Him we must love like Him and also take on the the attribute of “forgiveness” and forgive like Him.

We are to live our lives by walking in love and true forgiveness...

Offense hinders our relationship with others and keeps us from progressing into the deeper things of God!

Starting over with others...

Starting over with God...

Let the New Year be your Sunset (Shabbot- out time of meeting with God) ... A new beginning.   

We can even start now with the Lord.


Ric Wright