Theme: Look to Heaven

Have you ever just thought about where your eyes need to be when you talk to God while praying for others?

Mark 7:34 says Jesus
"Then, looking up to heaven, He sighed, and said to him, "Ephphatha,"(ἐφφαθά) that is, "Be opened."

The lesson for us is we simply look to the provider, the one sitting on the throne... We seek and find Him who gives freely. I believe we need this word for such a time as this. Who would have thought a month ago we would be where we are now? Social distancing, lockdown, quarantine were words not used in our vocabulary. We will make it through - we must keep looking to the source of our help.

" Immediately his ears were opened, and the impediment of his tongue was loosed, and he spoke plainly."

Miracles happen, it all depends on where you are looking! Stay diligent! Look to Him! Jesus is your source during this time! JESUS is ON THE THRONE! Let's keep looking toward heaven!

Blessings Ric