Be Prepared - Prophetically What is Coming 

PLEASE READ - This may make the religious person mad but will cause the CHRISTIAN to REJOICE. The Lord has spoken to me and said . . . "BE PREPARED!"

Being a Boy Scout was a privilege growing up; camping, learning good morals, and respect for God and country. The Boy Scout MOTTO was "BE PREPARED"! I believe this is a MOTTO we as Christians need to start seriously thinking and praying about during this season. God is speaking this boldly to believers.

For centuries the Church has been sitting on the sidelines and watching people perish. Through complacency the Church has become more of a business and an institution rather than a living organism empowered by the Holy Spirit we are called to be. In this time of major chaos it is time for the Church to get prepared for the amazing opportunity before us.

I remember during 9/11 as people flocked to the church buildings seeking answers and needing hope as the United States was attacked for the first time on our own soil. When the people made their way through the church doors they encountered our doctrines, our facilities, and our programs. They saw us and many left because we were not prepared when they came to us for hope. They were desiring answers and an encounter with Jesus, but instead of encountering Him - they encountered us.

We have an opportunity after this "social distancing" is over to be the true Church! A Church which is not compromised with political correctness but speaking the unadulterated Word of God and displaying the power of the Holy Spirit. People will be running to the church to seek answers and we better BE PREPARED when they enter the doors. People will desire uncompromising truth and AGAPE love and not a judgmental-religious-controlling spirit. They do not need to see us - but they need to see Him!

We cannot be the Church as usual . . .
We cannot be unwilling to change . . .
We cannot be caught up in our way of doing things . . .
We cannot be afraid of letting go and letting the Holy Spirit move . . .

I believe I am speaking prophetically! People will be running to the church! People will come with hungry hearts and seeking desperately an encounter with God! People will be expecting us to share the message of the cross, salvation, healing, deliverance, and freedom. They need to hear and we do not need to be "ashamed of the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 16:1)."

Our RELIGION and DOCTRINES and DIFFERENCES will NOT satisfy their hunger! Our previous way of doing church is going to be interrupted and we must allow it. The way we have previously conducted church will need to adapt to what God is doing. Going for an hour and having the pastor end the service on time so we can beat the church down the road to the local restaurant will be a thing of the past. We have made church a "social" experience rather a place to encounter God. Are we willing to be real and allow the Holy Spirit lead us beyond our weekly hour services as humanity cries out to us for answers?

A great revival is coming! A great outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT is coming! People will be crying out for true repentance before a loving God! THIS IS OUR CHANCE! WE MUST BE PREPARED!

I am ready! Are you?

Teaching others how to live a "Resurrection Lifestyle!"
